CZI Membership Profile at a Glance
CZI membership, which is drawn from more than 26 economic subsectors is an excellent platform which brings together collective experiences that make for private sector led economic development. CZI membership comprises of 60 percent of manufacturing and value adding industries in Zimbabwe, while 40 percent is from services and services related sectors.
Within the CZI membership are 45 percent of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange listed companies while 77 percent of Multi-National Companies operating in Zimbabwe are also members.
Apart from membership being segmented according to subsector, it is also segmented according to regions through regional chambers dotted across the country. These regional chambers include: Midlands Regional Chamber, Manicaland Regional Chamber, Mashonaland Regional Chamber and Matebeleland Regional Chamber
In business, there are lots of opportunities but so are risks and challenges. As a business, you need a capable and credible partner to help you navigate through the business and economic environment at both local and regional levels. CZI is your choice partner to help you manage the challenges and seize the opportunities that help your business to be viable, productive and competitive.

Become a member
- Download, Complete and Submit the Membership Form
- CZI will make an assessment and advise on the applicable subscription fees and send an invoice
- Make payment
- CZI will then process and send you a membership certificate
Members’ subscription fees are paid quarterly, and are determined through the assessment of the information in the completed membership form.
For Membership, Get in touch:; Tel: 0242 251490/5
Together we build a Solid and Coordinated Private Sector Voice
At CZI, we build a solid and coordinated private sector voice for a competitive business climate that makes for your firm and sector development.
CZI is the right place for Network Building and Influence
In Business, who you know matters. Strong networks help in building your brand and profile. CZI membership provides a perfect platform and opportunity for exposure and building relevant connections that enhance your brand among other business leaders and policy makers.
Are you engaged in Business Strategy Planning?
CZI has a team of experts who you can call upon during the business planning sessions of your firm to provide expert information relevant to your planning process.
Information is power and CZI is the Nerve Centre of Business and Economic Information
Business is always looking at opportunities to consolidate and grow on domestic, regional and global markets. Through our business information exchanges programmes, CZI is your platform for business information exchanges that will transform your organisation.
Manage your firm’s and sub-sector’s Business and Economic Environment Risk
Through collective experience and knowledge of our members and expert regulatory policy analysis, we are able to shape timeous business responses to influence policy making. We have information and data to make strong and impactful engagements with policy makers and relevant partners to support your business.